There's no such thing as too much bling!

From the earliest archaeological record human kind has been adorning him or herself with ornamentation made from bone, seeds and even feathers. Decorative items were used embellish the body and the garments or our earliest ancestors.

As much fun as it is to adorn oneself in the beautiful garb of antiquity even more fun is the chance to make it colorful, shiny, glittery and sparkley. From beads, braids and tassels to coins, stones and pearls the Medieval Diva is truly at her, and sometimes his best with the addition of bling.

Whether historically accurate or just for fun, this site is all about the decoration, sparkles and shiny things that make living in these current middle ages so much fun!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Black -n- Blue

The modern definition of bling is "a term that refers to elaborate jewelry and other accouterments". But, this site is not about modern so... we define bling as any decoration, embellishment, enhancement or accoutrement that adds a little something special.

Heavy fighters in the SCA (The Society for Creative Anachronism) are known for getting little reminders of how much they are appreciated and cared for by other fighters. At heavy fighter practice the Shire of Sylvan Glen's heavy marshal, Klaus was given an especially affectionate pat by a left handed swords man. The result was quite spectacular and I feel it truly qualifies as bling.I am thinking that affixing a few beads of brass or copper would have a lovely effect.


the laughing gypsy said...

it looks like a pushcart vendor on too much caffeinne!

Tink said...

Now that you say it I can see it. I am so impressed.