There's no such thing as too much bling!

From the earliest archaeological record human kind has been adorning him or herself with ornamentation made from bone, seeds and even feathers. Decorative items were used embellish the body and the garments or our earliest ancestors.

As much fun as it is to adorn oneself in the beautiful garb of antiquity even more fun is the chance to make it colorful, shiny, glittery and sparkley. From beads, braids and tassels to coins, stones and pearls the Medieval Diva is truly at her, and sometimes his best with the addition of bling.

Whether historically accurate or just for fun, this site is all about the decoration, sparkles and shiny things that make living in these current middle ages so much fun!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Beads and Bling of a Princess Bride

It was four days before my darling sister's wedding. Despite the fact she was eloping I felt it mandatory that she have not only the dress she wanted but all the embellishment a Princess Bride is entitled to as well.... or at least as much as I could get sewn on in twelve hours.

Despite the majority of the beads making it to their new home on the sleeves of her gown I still fell short of my desired goal. The wedding hour came and went. The bride was breathtaking, a true vision of radiant light on a crisp, snowy winters eve. Yet, I remain unsatisfied. There are pieces missing that at some point must go on the gown. Until then they will have to make due in my bead box waiting for the day they will join their friends as beads and bling of a Princess Bride.


Belg said...

Wow, she's hot. Can I marry her?

the laughing gypsy said...

Hahhahahahaaaaa! Smooch!